

Neuropathy services offered in Stamford, CT


Neuropathy can affect many different nerves throughout your body and cause a broad range of symptoms, from excruciating pain to muscle weakness and dizziness. At New England Institute for Neurology and Headache, the team has extensive experience identifying the cause of your neuropathy and providing integrative therapy that relieves your symptoms and helps stop nerve damage. If you develop neuropathy symptoms, call the office in Stamford, Connecticut, or request an appointment using the online booking feature.

What is neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a general term referring to any injury or disease that affects your nerves. However, neuropathy is typically synonymous with peripheral neuropathy, problems with the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord.

You may develop neuropathy following an injury or as a result of many possible health conditions, such as:

  • Bacterial and viral infections
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Blood vessel disorders
  • Kidney and liver disease
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Diabetes

Diabetes is the top cause of neuropathy in the United States. It’s estimated that 60-70% of all patients with diabetes have mild-to-severe nerve damage resulting from high blood sugar levels.

What symptoms develop due to neuropathy?

When you have neuropathy, you can develop diverse symptoms, depending on the type of nerve that’s damaged.

Motor nerves

Motor nerves carry messages from your brain to your muscles. If a motor nerve is damaged, you may have muscle cramps, weakness, and atrophy.

Sensory nerves

Sensory nerves pick up information from all parts of your body and send it to your brain. When these nerves are damaged, they typically cause pain, tingling, and numbness along the nerve.

Autonomic nerves

These nerves automatically control body functions, including your heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, and digestion. As a result, the symptoms you develop depend on the body function affected by the damaged nerve.

How do you diagnose and treat neuropathy?

Your specialist performs a thorough physical and neurological evaluation at your initial appointment, followed by a range of blood tests or diagnostic procedures as needed. For your convenience, nerve conduction studies such as electromyography are available in the office.

Neuropathy treatment takes a two-pronged approach designed to manage the underlying cause of your nerve damage while relieving your symptoms. Your provider may prescribe pain-relieving medications, inject steroids, or administer nerve blocks.

With a focus on holistic care, your provider may recommend alternative therapies that improve your symptoms and promote your overall well-being. This could include nutritional supplements, mind-body techniques to promote relaxation, or therapeutic massage. 

If you need comprehensive care for neuropathy, call New England Institute for Neurology and Headache or request an appointment online.